I was searching how to put multiple gifs on the same image. They helped a bit, but they were confusing, so I had to do it on my own. Not very proud of this one. I spent too much time on it, but I’m still not happy with the results. If ever I have the time, I’d like to do it again.

There is no contest. What I find beautiful is knowledge and freedom.

Put them together, you’ve got freedom of expression; freedom of thought.

There is nothing more beautiful than our brain. Think about it: it is a seven pound mass of grey flesh crammed inside our cranium, yet its power of thought is infinite. And what I find especially beautiful is a human’s drive to search for knowledge. This unquenchable, never-ending, and sometimes frustrating and painful thirst for knowledge is absolutely beautiful.

I don’t really know what to write anymore,  but here are a few people that I find truly beautiful. They have inspired me to question everything, to never satisfy my hunger for knowledge, and to never be afraid of expressing my opinions.

They are my heroes, my idols, my role-models, my teachers, my gurus… call them whatever you want. And to me, they are the most beautiful people in the world.